All far infrared sauna products generally work the same way.
They all have an electrical heating system, and all pre-heat stones (crushed amethyst crystals are the most common) which when hot, start to emit radiant infrared heat.
The spectrum of this heat is the same with all amethyst mats, with a minimum of 90-95% efficiency in the wavelength range of 5-14 microns, the best utilized by the human body, and with maybe 60 – 80% of this energy transferred at two so-called “amethyst peaks” at 7 and 12 microns wavelength.
The mat is warm to the touch (not hot) even on the highest level, but the heating energy no longer dissipates; it penetrates the body.
For hyperthermia, the mat is used on the highest heat, and you may measure your body temperature to learn how it affects the body.
Larger mats are more powerful; it takes more time to raise the core full body temperature with the Mini Mat, but it is still possible.
FIR rays penetrate the body and cause local hyperthermia first. Circulation is improved, and the blood flow replaces normal temperature blood with the heated blood, gradually increasing the whole body’s temperature and causing one to sweat.
There have also been some experiments showing the bio-resonant effect of amethyst radiant heating (crystal peaks) when the body temperature was kept elevated for even 4-8 hours after the procedure. It was explained to have stimulated the mitochondria (cells’ power stations) to produce heat themselves.
It is essential to properly rehydrate before, during, and after high-intensity procedures and replenish electrolytes (salts). It is a serious procedure demanding extensive knowledge and professional supervision.